What's happening in St Michael's

This Week

Sunday 19th January

Morning Praise at 11am

Monday 13th January

Chattertots meets in Church for parents and pre-schoolers. 9am onwards

Wednesday Midweek Communion 

Every Wednesday, 9.30am in Church. A sanctuary in the busy rush of life. A chance to meet with God and receive his love and peace.

Open Church Daily drop-in

The usual opening times are:

Mondays: 2-4pm.  
Tuesdays: 10-12noon
Wednesdays: 10.15-12noon.

Thursdays: 2-4pm. 
Fridays: 2-4pm


Our weekly Community Cafe, in Alphington Village Hall, is open every Friday from 9am to 12noo. Drop in for conversation, warmth, free tea, coffee, hot chocolate, cake and much more.

Saturday 18th January

Who Let the Dads Out?

A welcoming group for all kinds of dads, grandads, father-figures and their children up to 8 years old. Join us for free play, hot drinks and bacon sandwiches. £2 suggested donation per family.

Sunday 26th January

11am, Morning Worship with Communion in Church

We’re glad you’re here. We are a community of people passionate about knowing Jesus Christ and sharing Him with others.

Whether you've just moved to the area, or have lived here all your life, we'd love to welcome you to St Michael's.