Part-time Coordinator Position
St Michael’s Church, Alphington, seeks to appoint a part-time Coordinator to help take forward its project to make contacts with residents in the new housing schemes being built on the South West fringes of Exeter. The project is entitled ‘Connect—South West Exeter’ (Connect-SWE), and is led by a Management Team of Church members and the Rector, Rev Mike Partridge. The appointee will work under, and be supported by, the Management Team. It is envisaged that the Coordinator will help develop events which will attract and facilitate contact with new residents, as well as supporting door-to-door visits as necessary with a wider team. St Michael’s seeks to make known to new residents that they are welcome to participate in the life of the Church, which is very well integrated in, and serving, the local community in a wide variety of ways. Close liaison, and good team work, with members of the St Michael’s congregation will be essential, as well as other community leaders. The post is envisaged to comprise 12-hours per week for a 4-year period, and a Job Description and Person Specification will be available on request. It would be an advantage for the post-holder to live within, or close to, the new housing developments.
Further enquiries and application details from:
Peter Turnpenny:
07786 221618
Rev Mike Partridge 07751 725306
Application Deadline 8th July