Ide & Shillingford
We are also connected to churches in Ide and Shillingford. Find out more about St Ida's Ide or St George's Shillingford on their dedicated pages.
We are also connected to churches in Ide and Shillingford. Find out more about St Ida's Ide or St George's Shillingford on their dedicated pages.
Alphington Life is our Parish magazine with church information, articles about our church family life and news from the local community. The latest issue of Alphington Life is normally available…
Alphington Little Big Band meet twice a month to play dance band/big band music for fun. We started because those of us who play for church services wanted to get…
God listens to our prayers and answers them. Here are some ways to be involved in the prayer life of the Church.Prayer Ministry – after every morning service, our prayer…
Knit’n’natter is part of Open Church. Simply turn up and join the friendly group of knitters. Cake and coffee is served. Open to all.2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.…
Open Church welcomes you for tea and coffee, a chat, some cake, or to enjoy the silence and beauty of the Church. Tues: 10-12noonWed: 10.15–11amThurs: 2-4pmFri: 2-3pmCheck the Church calendar for…
Come and join us at Alphington Village Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month between 11:50am and 1.15pm. Lunchbox café is our monthly community lunchtime café. It’s held on…
Chatterbox is the community café run by the church, with volunteers from the wider village, held at Alphington Village Hall. It has a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and lots…
St Michael’s has eight bells and a dedicated team of ringers. The ringers practise on Wednesday evenings, usually from 7-8.30pm.The tradition of bell ringing is an ancient part of British…
To find out more about our music, contact Sue Hutchings (organist) or Carolyn Bull (Music Group co-ordinator). St Michael’s music is rich and varied.An enthusiastic pool of volunteers provides contemporary…